Comprehensive Community Development

Through workshops, community feedback and an interactive data walk, a Houston Community Data Connections team empowered Third Ward community members and other stakeholders to use data from a multi... [read more]
Urban–Greater DC team members are partnering with the High Line Network (HLN) and Harvard University Graduate School of Design for a one-year pilot project, Equitable Impacts Framework pilot (EIF... [read more]
To plan for the rapid and sustained growth of the Central Ohio region, which is expected to hit 3 million residents by 2050, MORPC and ULI Columbus have partnered on the insight2050 scenario... [read more]
Urban Institute recently released two new guidance documents to to build the capacity of communities to use data to address health and improve fair housing and access to opportunity. Both guides... [read more]
Children’s Optimal Health, in partnership with Housing Works Austin and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, recently hosted a summit on the intersection of health and housing. “Housing + Health:... [read more]
Residents and partners of 18 Charlotte neighborhoods attended the 4th annual Neighborhood Board Retreat where they set goals and developed ideas for projects to strengthen their... [read more]
Philadelphia City Council on Wednesday announced a comprehensive strategy using data analysis, mapping technology and community engagement to empower Philadelphia’s leaders to craft policies that... [read more]
Kansas City NNIP Partner Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) has joined together with regional partners to coordinate a 20+ year plan for economic growth. KC... [read more]
Rise, formerly the Regional Housing and Community Development Alliance and the NNIP partner in St. Louis, is part of a team that was awarded a Choice Neighborhood Initiative planning grant. The... [read more]
PlanningCamp is an unconference in Oakland sponsored by the Urban Strategies Council and OpenPlans for ... [read more]
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven... [read more]
D3 is working with youth services providers in The Skillman Foundation’s Good Neighborhoods program to determine what outside-of-school youth programs are available to young people in the six... [read more]
D3 completed a needs assessment of the Southwest Detroit Community Justice Center for the Southwest Detroit Development Collaborative. The assessment consisted of a demographic analysis of... [read more]
D3 has summarized key neighborhood indicators for Detroit’s North End Neighborhood and adjacent areas as part of the Woodward Corridor Initiative. This neighborhood snapshot includes three general... [read more]
D3 assisted Creekside residents with a short-term neighborhood revitalization proposal. We provided technical assistance and facilitation support as residents made decisions and prioritized... [read more]
Community Information Now (CI:Now) is a data and communications partner in San Antonio's Wheatley Choice Neighborhoods' partnership planning grant, assisting in gathering baseline data and... [read more]
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded a $300,000 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Planning Grant to Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority on behalf of a partnership that... [read more]
Emory’s Office of University-Community Partnerships (OUCP) is assisting DeKalb County with the preparation of their five-year consolidated plan for HUD and as part of that effort will be helping... [read more]
The Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action is working with the Shelby County Department of Planning and Development and the Greater Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce to evaluate... [read more]
Completed year 2 of a 4 year grant to report on the changes in the communities covered in the New Communities Programs. Gathered data, performed quality control checks, and formatted data for... [read more]
Living Cities resources will help Detroit leverage extensive local and national philanthropic and federal government support, increase focused investment along the Corridor, provide capital to a... [read more]
In 2010, D3 developed a composite analysis of indicators to illustrate the land use category of each Census Block in the city. This typology analysis is based upon current conditions, not solely... [read more]
The city – impressed by NEO CANDO – wants to eventually develop a city-wide set of indicators and data-tracking along the lines of our Cleveland partner. The initial connection, however, centers... [read more]
A community-driven project designed to engage people in a process to transform vacant land and property into uses that improve the quality of life in Detroit neighborhoods and surrounding areas.... [read more]
Piton has become the technical assistance partner to assist the Community Development Partnership (CDP) The CDP is a collaborative between CDC’s, banks and NPO’s who are working to deploy NSP... [read more]
CDAD's Strategic Framework uses a set of descriptive typologies to help residents visualize the future that they want for their neighborhood. Data Driven Detroit has utilized multiple indicators... [read more]
D3 is the data systems change partner to the Initiative, helping to improve data quality, access, and transparency. The Woodward Corridor Initiative, funded by Living Cities, builds on the... [read more]
D3, through a grant from The Kresge Foundation, is providing data to the Macomb County Executive Office and Macomb County Community College to assist their plan for the “New Macomb.” Since 2000,... [read more]
The Sustainable Communities Initiative, implemented by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), involves strategic programs of action to transform communities in several demonstration... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]