Los Angeles

Neighborhood Data for Social Change

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USC Lusk Center for Real Estate

Caroline Bhalla, Executive Director

Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) is a project within the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate focused on using data to help local civic actors track measurable change, improve local policies and programs, and ultimately advocate for a better quality of life within their communities. The project includes a free, publicly available online resource that helps tell the stories of L.A. neighborhoods through maps, charts and storytelling, as well as a suite of customizable data services for local civic actors.

Caroline Bhalla
Executive Director
Xitong Lu
Graduate Research Assistant
Saba Mwine
Managing Director
Rediet Retta
Research Assistant
Elly Schoen
Elly Schoen
Data and Project Manager


January 1, 2024
The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) was founded by the partner organizations, and it continues to be led by an Executive Committee of elected partner members who steer... [read more]
The Price Center and LeadersUp are partnering to address unemployment among young people who have been involved in the justice system. Together they will partner with local businesses and... [read more]
August 28, 2019
The USC Price Center for Social Innovation and the Safe Communities Institute hosted a panel discussion and community forum on August 28th as part of their new NDSC Criminial Justice Data... [read more]


November 8, 2023
Meeting Materials - By: National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership

Urban Institute, Neighborhood Data for Social Change, UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, Urban Strategies Council

Framing Page
November 8, 2023
Presentation - By: Urban Institute

Neighborhood Data for Social Change

October 28, 2022
Meeting Materials - By: Caroline Bhalla, Los Angeles, Caroline Issacs, Tucson

Neighborhood Data for Social Change

October 27, 2022
Video - By: Sara Jaye Sanford, Cheryl Knott, Elly Schoen, Jenna Losh, Elizabeth Burton (Moderator)

Urban Institute, Communities Count, Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance, Neighborhood Data for Social Change, The Data Center

October 27, 2022
Presentation - By: Elly Schoen

Neighborhood Data for Social Change


Partner Webinars

October 24, 2019 - 1:00pm

... [read more]

Presenters Peter Ciurczak, Boston, Geoff Smith, Chicago, Caroline Bhalla, LA, Amy Confair, Philadelphia