A Day for Neighborhoods to Explore Their Future

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute   (Charlotte)

July 2014

Residents and partners of 18 Charlotte neighborhoods attended the 4th annual Neighborhood Board Retreat where they set goals and developed ideas for projects to strengthen their neighborhoods.  The event was hosted by the City of Charlotte’s Department of Neighborhood & Business Services and sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute.  As part of the facilitated planning, each neighborhood received a customized data profile containing a snapshot of variables from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Quality of Life Study, covering neighborhood engagement, environmental impact, safety, health and more.  (View the data sheets here.) Neighborhoods were led through a discussion about the data: What are the surprises? Reasons for celebration? Areas for improvement?  This data discussion served as a springboard for neighborhood visioning and goal-setting.  Following the retreat, the City of Charlotte works with neighborhoods to support project implementation, helping connect them to resources throughout the City and across the community.

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