Insight 2050 Corridor Concepts

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC)   (Columbus)

April 2019 - February 2022

To plan for the rapid and sustained growth of the Central Ohio region, which is expected to hit 3 million residents by 2050, MORPC and ULI Columbus have partnered on the insight2050 scenario planning initiative.

The first phase of insight2050 examined regional growth scenarios and the implications of continuing or implementing various development patterns. Upon achieving regional consensus around a desire for a more focused growth with less sprawl than previous decades, the effort transitioned into a second phase, insight2050 Corridor Concepts.

Continuing with a scenario planning approach, Corridor Concepts localized the initial regional effort's analysis and strategies to create five specific growth corridors  in the region. The study considered scenarios under which a majority of the region’s growth over the next several decades could be accommodated within these five corridors, with analyses, outputs, and implementation strategies that are applicable at the jurisdiction, neighborhood, and even individual property scales.

Multiple communities and agencies, led by the City of Columbus and COTA, have moved into implementation of the insight2050 Corridor Concepts recommendations in multiple corridors through an initiative called LinkUS

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