
Data reveals that within Marion County, older residents tend to live in areas where the least amount of public transit is available. Census tracts with the greatest population of adults aged 65+... [read more]
CURA has launched the Ghost Neighborhood of Columbus project to help people understand what was destroyed by urban highway construction in the 20th century, and support... [read more]
MORPC facilitates the planning and development of the region’s multi-use trail network. The Central Ohio Greenways (COG) Regional Trail Vision calls for 500+ new miles of trails to be added to the... [read more]
Building on recent research reports by LINK Houston, the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, and Bike Houston about safety for pedestrians and bicyclists on... [read more]
On October 20th, one day prior to the opening of the Fall NNIP meeting, the Institute for Urban Policy Research, Capital One, and the Collin County Business Alliance (CCBA) convened a group of... [read more]
Join equity advocates from around the region for a discussion about the region’s key equity priorities, highlighting actions that are being taken – and those that need to be taken – to create a... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health (COH) and Dell Children's Medical Center (DCMC) are excited for the success of their second Transportation-Related Child Injury summit. This event brought together... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health (COH) and Dell Children's Medical Center (DCMC) are excited for the success of their second Transportation-Related Child Injury summit. This event brought together... [read more]
In May 2014, D3 launched the 2014 One D Scorecard, an online tool that reports on the status of our region through key data indicators in five Priority Areas: Economic Prosperity, Educational... [read more]
In Spring 2014, Mayor of Dallas Mike Rawlings gathered the Dallas community and created a Task Force to advise him on substantive, short-term plans to take action against poverty within the city.... [read more]
Funded by SCRCOG, and led by SCRCOG, the New Haven NAACP, and Workforce Alliance, the... [read more]
SA2020 is a community visioning and collective impact initiative focused on 11 cause areas. CI:Now collects and analyzes the data to... [read more]
PlanningCamp is an unconference in Oakland sponsored by the Urban Strategies Council and OpenPlans for ... [read more]
Children's Optimal Health is pleased to announce that we have launched a new website. Many of our maps and all of our published reports are available for download through the site. There is... [read more]
The Data Services department is working with the Town of Marshfield Housing Partnership and Planning Board to estimate the potential build out of commercial and residential properties. Based on... [read more]
An examination of the economic impacts of consructing a northern beltline highway near Birmingham, Alabama.
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Children's Optimal Health is excited to share the Transportation Related Child Injury mapping initiative to be presented by Children’s Optimal Health and Dell Children’s Medical Center.... [read more]
MAPC created an interactive online tool called the MBTA Budget Calculator, accessible at, inviting the public to try their hand at balancing... [read more]
D3 designed a questionnaire used to gather data about unmet senior mobility needs, including information on their travel patterns, modes of transportation, use of available transit, attitudes... [read more]
In September 2011, ARC, in partnership with a consortium of 11 other organizations, submitted an application for funding to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable... [read more]
CMAP will soon begin implementing its Sustainable Communities grant (HUD) by providing technical assistance for municipal planners across our region. CMAP’s online data systems will serve as... [read more]
Through a new regional transit-oriented development collaborative, Mile High Connects, supported through the Ford Foundation’s Metropolitan Opportunities Initiative, Piton, partnered with... [read more]
BNIA-JFI is providing both services and analyses as part of a joint proposal with the Job Opportunities Task Force to the Surdna Foundation. The services include: GIS and policy... [read more]
NRC continued to improve GettingtoWork.Net, a website showing job training and services needed by low-income job seeker and an interactive map showing the locations of services, child care,... [read more]
Detroit is developing light rail along the Woodward Corridor. Data Driven Detroit provides the M1 partners with neighborhood indicator analyses and mapping to support the planning process and to... [read more]
Growing Transit Communities will help local communities make the most of new light rail service, bus rapid transit and other transit investments, with the goal of putting jobs and opportunity... [read more]
The viaduct that supports I-84 as it passes through Hartford is at the end of its useful life. The community, along with the State Department of Transportation, came together to discuss plans for... [read more]
On October 15, 2010, HUD Regional Administrator Richard Walega announced a $4 million Press conference announcing award of Sustainable Communities grant to MAPCSustainable Communities Grant award... [read more]
D3 prepared a profile of the M1 Corridor along Woodward for the Downtown Detroit Partnership. The profile is a collection of baseline indicators intended to inform current planning efforts and... [read more]
Dian Nostikasari, a senior research fellow at the Kinder Institute, discussed two reports titled “Planning from Inside Out: Using Community Responses to... [read more]
In 2014, we began holding virtual idea showcases after partners expressed the desire for more NNIP conversations between in-person meetings. Thanks to Idea Showcases, partners have shared their... [read more]
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Recent research shows trail networks help achieve climate resilience, improve public health, and increase economic prosperity. The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) provided data and...
[read more]The Blue Line Extension, which will expand the light rail northwest from downtown Minneapolis to North Minneapolis, Robbinsdale, Crystal, and Brooklyn Park, has been planned for over a decade....
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