
Severance Town Center in Cleveland Heights went into foreclosure this past June. Dr. Mark Chupp, a faculty associate of the Poverty Center, participated in a public forum about the troubled retail... [read more]
Using data from NEO CANDO, Michael Gareau Jr., director of law of North Olmsted, reported that foreclosures in the city have declined from... [read more]
"We need to make more robust use of Case Western Reserve's NEO CANDO NST Web App," said Cleveland Heights Councilman Kahlil Seren during a discussion on foreclosure among the candidates running... [read more]
Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City (NHSNYC) is honoring the Furman Center at its 2014 Benefit:... [read more]
An audience of 178 housing experts, government analysts, nonprofit leaders and others gathered for the second annual Charlotte Data Day. The day-long event, hosted by the UNC Charlotte Urban... [read more]
The Poverty Center's Neighborhood Stabilization Team Web Application (NST Web App) was selected as a... [read more]
As a follow-up to our earlier work in South Pittsburgh's Hilltop communities, the PNCIS will be collecting data to develop a better understanding of the mortgage characteristics of properties... [read more]
WEWS Channel 5 news did a feature on NEO CANDO and the Poverty Center's work related to foreclosure and vacancy in Cuyahoga County. Both Dr. Claudia Coulton and Mike Schramm were interviewed for... [read more]
NeighborhoodInfo DC will continue its tracking of foreclosure activity in Washington, D.C., and the region in 2012. The data we provide are used by local government agencies, community-based... [read more]
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and... [read more]
BNIA-JFI staff presented the Baltimore City results from the NNIP cross-site funded analysis of children affected by foreclosures project.
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CURA and the Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis Branch co-hosted a conference in Minneapolis on Utilizing Data to Manage Neighborhood Change. The 100 participants included staff from nonprofits,... [read more]
The Council was awarded the Innovation in Crime Mapping award at the recent Crime Mapping conference in Miami held by the National Institute of Justice (Part of the US Dept of Justice). The... [read more]
The Oakland Community Land Trust has continued to scale with new properties coming online each month. We sold our first home and continue to expand our rehab and outreach work to make more... [read more]
From a proprietary database purchased from Excensus we have the post-foreclosure address of approximate 3,000 households of the 30,000 foreclosures in Hennepin County from 2005-2008. We are using... [read more]
The Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy and NYU's Institute for Education and Social Policy have been awarded a grant by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This work... [read more]
BNIA-JFI provided a variety of data and resources to Public Policy students at Johns Hopkins University in their analysis of the impacts of the national recession on Baltimore’s neighborhoods. ... [read more]
With support from the Baltimore Homeownership Preservation Coalition, BNIA-JFI collects and provides data on all mortgage foreclosure filings within Baltimore City. Use of the map allows for... [read more]
BNIA-JFI completed the first phase of research as part of a NNIP cross-site project examining the affects of foreclosures on children. This project identified both the number and... [read more]
Little information exists about the children living in families facing foreclosure. Having well-grounded analysis raises the profile of how the crisis is affecting children and spurs local... [read more]
The cross-site project, Addressing the Foreclosure Crisis, aimed to help local stakeholders in Atlanta, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. design more effective data-driven strategies to... [read more]
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Following the foreclosure crisis, Oakland faced a serious problem of an increasing number of vacant buildings. Vacant properties, particularly if not well-...
[read more]Prince George’s County, Maryland, has been hard-hit by the housing crisis. Through the first three quarters of 2012, one of...
[read more]The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) produced a report for the Executive Director of Baltimore’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative, Inc. (HNI, Inc.) that was used to guide the...
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