Making Data Accessible: Foreclosure Tracking in Washington, DC

Report by Peter A. Tatian, Rebecca Grace, Jennifer Comey
July 1, 2013

Urban–Greater DC   (Washington, D.C.)

As a member of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, NeighborhoodInfo DC provides community-based organizations and residents in the District of Columbia with local data and analysis they can use to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Since the start of the national foreclosure crisis, NeighborhoodInfo DC has been providing data on households and neighborhoods affected by foreclosures to local partners, allowing them to target their efforts to reduce negative impacts and help more families stay in their homes. This brief highlights our work of making foreclosure data accessible in the District of Columbia and gives examples of how our partners have used this information to assist vulnerable homeowners and renters.

Link to Urban Institute

Link to NeighborhoodInfo DC