Sustainable Communities (Federal)

Rise (St. Louis)
The Mid-America Regional Council (Kansas City)
Community Information Now (CINow) (San Antonio)
Urban–Greater DC (Washington, D.C.)
NNIP partners bring their existing data holdings and deep relationships in the community to support the planning and implementation activities of place-based initiatives. Working collaboratively... [read more]
After three years of citizen engagement and the creation of a Regional Growth Framework for the 14-county Charlotte region, the CONNECT... [read more]
In September 2011, ARC, in partnership with a consortium of 11 other organizations, submitted an application for funding to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Sustainable... [read more]
Through a new regional transit-oriented development collaborative, Mile High Connects, supported through the Ford Foundation’s Metropolitan Opportunities Initiative, Piton, partnered with... [read more]
Under the leadership of MARC (convening member of the CWIN collaborative, which is the effective organizational entity constituting KC’s NNIP partnership) Kansas City was an awardee in the first... [read more]
Three Rise staff members are serving on committees for the East West Gateway-led, HUD-Funded St. Louis Regional Plan for Sustainable Development, including the Technical Planning Committee, which... [read more]
CMAP will soon begin implementing its Sustainable Communities grant (HUD) by providing technical assistance for municipal planners across our region. CMAP’s online data systems will serve as... [read more]
Growing Transit Communities will help local communities make the most of new light rail service, bus rapid transit and other transit investments, with the goal of putting jobs and opportunity... [read more]
On October 15, 2010, HUD Regional Administrator Richard Walega announced a $4 million Press conference announcing award of Sustainable Communities grant to MAPCSustainable Communities Grant award... [read more]
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For a more complete case study of this experience, see Metropolitan Kansas City: Creating...
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