
CI:Now’s new Viz-a-lyzer is an interactive tool for people to visually explore and analyze (visual… viz… viz-a-lyze… get it?) Bexar County data... [read more]
"We need to make more robust use of Case Western Reserve's NEO CANDO NST Web App," said Cleveland Heights Councilman Kahlil Seren during a discussion on foreclosure among the candidates running... [read more]
Monday, December 8, 2014. 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Rutgers-Camden Multi Purpose Room (Registration: 11:30 - Noon)
The... [read more]
In 2009, Data Driven Detroit (D3) participated in the Detroit Residential Parcel Survey (DRPS), collecting data on roughly 350,000 structures and vacant lots in the city of Detroit. The survey... [read more]
• Steven Adler, Information Strategist, IBM
• Jerry Paffendorf, Co-Founder and CEO, LOVELAND Technologies
• Erica... [read more]
The Urban Affairs Association has presented the award for the "Best Conference Paper of 2013" to Erica Raleigh, director of Data Driven Detroit, and George Galster for their paper entitled "... [read more]
One of the most important new means for sharing data with the public is our Open Data Site, launched in “beta” form in the spring of 2014. We have been using the tool to publish existing data in... [read more]
Originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Justice and designed by CBANA/C3R (working with the Southeast Memphis CDC and Ledic Asset Management) , “Safeways” is a data-driven... [read more]
The Greater New Orleans Community Data Center relies on three different sources for USPS data‚ all of which are based on the USPS Address Management Services database: HUD (Department of Housing... [read more]
The PNCIS was part of a team selected to prepare a plan for vacant properties in Pittsburgh's Hill District neighborhood. Our work will involve the collection of parcel-based data in the Hill... [read more]
WEWS Channel 5 news did a feature on NEO CANDO and the Poverty Center's work related to foreclosure and vacancy in Cuyahoga County. Both Dr. Claudia Coulton and Mike Schramm were interviewed for... [read more]
Working with the Congress of Neighboring Communities (CONNECT) at the University of Pittsburgh, we are seeking to expand the coverage of the PNCIS to additional municipalities in Allegheny County... [read more]
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and the Federal Reserve Board are co-hosting an interactive conference in Baltimore, Maryland on creative uses of data and technology to promote public and... [read more]
In 2010, D3 developed a composite analysis of indicators to illustrate the land use category of each Census Block in the city. This typology analysis is based upon current conditions, not solely... [read more]
CamConnect is pursuing funding to begin Camden’s first regularly updated citywide survey of vacant and suspected vacant properties. Abandonment has long been one of Camden’s most visible symptoms... [read more]
Collected data in a study area within the California neighborhood using property evaluation forms that our team created. We noted condition of housing, vacant housing and vacant lots. We mapped... [read more]
With assistance from the Pohlad Family Foundation, CURA hired a graduate research assistant to help compile a comprehensive database of vacant properties in North Minneapolis. Data comes from... [read more]
The PNCIS is supporting the work of the Homewood Children's Village, an initiative working to improve the environment for children and families in the Homewood neighborhood. The PNCIS is being... [read more]
In partnership with Urban Institute, we convened a group of key policy makers around the second edition of Housing in the New Orleans Metro Annual Report, “Optimizing Blight Strategies”. Speakers... [read more]
The Urban Institute and the Data Center in New Orleans partnered from 2009-2011 do three annual reports related to housing funded by the local community foundation. The organizations divided up... [read more]
Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
Center on Poverty and Community Development
Check out our first Idea Showcase of 2015 and work your fellow NNIP partners are doing:
Eleanor Tutt (St. Louis) and Bob Gradeck (Pittsburgh) will present on their idea to hold regular... [read more]
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Neighborhood data counts. Neighborhood data counts people. It counts the places that our communities hold dear, and it counts the tragedies that we wish never happened. Neighborhood data...
[read more]Following the foreclosure crisis, Oakland faced a serious problem of an increasing number of vacant buildings. Vacant properties, particularly if not well-...
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