
The list below includes information on upcoming webinars and presentations and audio from past webinars organized by the Urban Institute for NNIP partners, as well as webinars held by partner organizations.

May 10, 2023
Presenters: Geoff Smith, Institute for Housing Studies at DePaul University, David Harris, Urban Strategies Council, Jocelyn Gama, Urban Strategies Council, Jacob Virges, Urban Strategies Council, Jennifer Newcomer, Colorado Futures Center, Charles Bruner, Child Equity
February 23, 2023
Presenters: Jeanette Parra, Community Information Now, Trish Abalo, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy
December 2, 2022 - 12:00pm

Technology has profoundly impacted cities: they are more dynamic and active than ever before. Can we use these new technology and data to rise to the challenge of an urban planet? This fall, CURA...

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Presenters: Marisa Denker, Mike Flynn, AICP, Theresa Carr, AICP, Samantha Donovan, AICP
October 13, 2022 - 12:00pm

Emergency services play an essential part in serving our communities and keeping them safe. The management of emergencies is a collaborative effort amongst various stakeholders. Real-time data...

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Presenter: Kristina Wolf
August 24, 2022
Presenters: Anne Calef, Boston Indicators, Liz Monk, University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh), Aaron Brenner, University Center for Social and Urban Research (Pittsburgh), Leah Hendey, Urban Institute (DC), Elizabeth Burton, Urban Institute (DC)
July 28, 2022 - 1:00pm

This webinar explored the technology used by NNIP partners for data collection, processing and sharing.

... [read more]
Presenters: Elizabeth Burton, Urban Institute, Kailas Venkitasubramanian, Charlotte, Cristina Martinez, San Antonio
May 5, 2022 - 3:30pm

The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) is a peer-learning network of more than 30 cities who have been working to democratize data for equitable and resilient communities for 25...

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Presenters: Sonia Torres-Rodriguez, Seema Iyer
November 16, 2021

The discussion expanded on the report, “Preserving Affordable Housing in Harris County,” ...

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Presenters: Bill Fulton, Director, Kinder Institute for Urban Research , Mary Lawler, Executive Director, Avenue CDC, Ralphine Caldwell, Executive Director, LISC Charlotte, Dr. Elizabeth Mueller, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture
October 21, 2021
Presenters: Leah Sakala, Urban Institute (DC), Peter Ciurczak, Boston Indicators, Anne Calef, Boston Indicators, Ellie Lochhead, Housing Solutions Lab (New York), Layla Bellows, Neighborhood Nexus (Atlanta)
