
NNIP stories describe partner initiatives that helped their communities use data to improve neighborhoods and the well-being of residents.

New evidence developed by the Center on...

June 1, 2018

Thanks to IndyVitals – an award-winning online data tool – residents and organizations can...

December 20, 2017

Despite the economic resurgence post-Hurricane Katrina in the New Orleans metropolitan area, many workers remain stuck in low-wage jobs. The Data...

December 19, 2017

Following the foreclosure crisis, Oakland faced a serious problem of an increasing number of vacant...

December 11, 2017

As the national narrative around Detroit has shifted from a story of blight to one of revitalization and resurgence, challenges and responses have...

December 4, 2017

The right data, in the right hands, can help advance action on tough issues like under-employment. For 25 years,...

September 3, 2017
