NNIPCamp October 2015: Performance Measurement in an Hour

Meeting Materials by Jake Cowan
October 22, 2015

Urban Institute   (NNIP Coordinator)

Jake Cowan and Bob Gradeck assisted partners with developing initial performance management plans for projects that they identified. Partners brought their laptops and used a google document developed by Bob and Jake, and referred to templates/examples of completed plans from Pittsburgh and Providence. Jake and Bob encouraged each participant to share whatever progress they made with a colleague in their organization. Two key takeaways were that the examples from Pittsburgh and Providence are robust, and it’s ok for new plans to have fewer elements. The important thing to do is start. Along those same lines, partners recognized that once partners get started with collecting performance data, we’ll need even more new tools and templates like reporting formats.

Event Name: 
NNIP Partners Meeting, October 2015