Housing Insights: Bringing Open Data to Affordable Housing Decisionmakers

Report by Olivia Arena and Kathryn L.S. Pettit
June 11, 2018

Urban Institute   (NNIP Coordinator)
Urban–Greater DC   (Washington, D.C.)

The Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development, the DC Department of Housing and Community Development, and Urban–Greater DC partnered with Code for DC to develop Housing Insights, an open-source tool that uses data and technology to help government and community development staff make better investments in affordable housing. The tool compiles key data sources to help stakeholders identify properties that are at risk or difficult to replace, understand neighborhood demographic trends, and access information on individual properties needed for action.

From 2014 to 2018, the Civic Tech and Data Collaborative brought together local government officials, civic technologists, and community data organizations across seven communities to explore how to harness data and technology to benefit low-income residents. Three national organizations with local networks - Living Cities, Code for America, and the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership – guided the initiative. As part of the initiative, local collaboratives in Boston, St. Louis, and Washington, DC created products that use data and technology in new ways to improve services or programs in their cities. To access the three case studies, cross-site lessons, ecosystem mapping guide, and other project resources, visit https://www.neighborhoodindicators.org/ctdc.