PSU's Nonprofit Pulse & Nonprofit Data Lab are coming soon!

(Inactive) Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies   (Portland)

October 2017

The Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies is partnering with PSU's Nonprofit Institute to build a Nonprofit Pulse and Nonprofit Data Lab. Funded by a grant from Meyer Memorial Trust, and modeled on Greater Portland Pulse, the Nonprofit Pulse witll be an up-to-date, easy-to-read online data dashboard of regional indicators on everything that matters to metro Portland - designed specifically with nonprofits in mind.

We are working with local nonprofits to identify the specifc iindicators of most interest to the nonprofit community. Participating nonprofits will have the opportunity to participate in data and storytelling workshops. For each data workshop, we will work with the cohort of nonprofits to identify their most important learning needs, then develop curriculum to match those needs. We will deliver the curriculum in an all-day hands-on workshop. 

We are currently conducting outreach. Data Hub development will begin in January with workshops throughout spring 2018.



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