A Guide to Shift's Open Data Ecosystem and Data Workflow

Presentation by Nikki Zhu
October 17, 2018

Shift Research Lab   (Denver*)

This presentation was part of the NNIP Showcase, Part 1 session at the October 2018 NNIP Partners’ Meeting.

These 5-minute presentations give a lightning-quick overview of our NNIP Partners and their work.

In an effort to make data more accessible to Colorado’s social sector, Shift Research Lab built an Open Data Ecosystem, which optimizes our data storage and provides more ways for partners to access our data and collaborate on research. It includes 3 components: 

  • Data Workflow: Shift Research Lab built a server-less workflow to streamline/automate the ETL process for 3 data formats: Census API, csv, geojson which covers more than 90% of data usage.
  • Data Storage: To ensure the data holdings are secure, they built a robust Cloud storage system, which is a flexible solution with room to scale as they acquire more data. It is also built to meet industry security standards to ensure their data is reliable, clean, and safely stored. 
  • Partner Portal: Within the portal, users can create customizable personal workspaces, where they can use software products to analyze and visualize Shift Data Lab’s data. Another partner portal they will work on soon is to build a REST API protocol to bridge internal data inventory with downstream data users.


Event Name: 
NNIP Partners' Meeting October 2018