Georgia Transit Tour 2014

Report by Scott Bogren, Rich Sampson
December 2014

(Inactive) Atlanta Regional Commission   (Atlanta)

This Transit Tour was published by the Community Transportation Association and focuses on transportation-related areas of interest in and around Atlanta, Georgia. The first of the articles in this publication is "The Atlanta Regional Commission: Taking a 10-County Approach to Access, Information & Mobility Management," which highlights NNIP partner the Atlanta Regional Commission's influence in Atlanta's transportation planning and the impact of taking a multi-county regional approach. Key to this piece is the point that the Mobility Services Division at ARC contributes to "rethinking and reshaping how people living in the Commission’s 10-county region access and interact with all forms of mobility."

Also included in this publication are "Engaging Atlanta’s History Via Streetcars" and "RouteMatch: Tour Reveals Customer-Driven Approach".