Data Day 2012 Presentation: Creating Custom Maps with the MetroBoston DataCommon

Presentation by Susan Brunton, GIS Analyst II, MAPC, Aditi Mehta, Research and Communications Associate, TBF
January 27, 2012

Metropolitan Area Planning Council   (Boston)

Whether you are a data novice or an expert researcher, the MetroBoston DataCommon can help you get the information you need to learn more about your community, understand regional trends, and make more informed decisions. You can use the DataCommon to document existing conditions, research compelling data to make your case, design responsive policies, and measure progress on shared goals. During Data Day 2012, a free conference on using data to drive community change, Susan Brunton, GIS Analyst II at MAPC, and Aditi Mehta, Research and Communications Associate at the Boston Indicators Project at the Boston Foundation, provided a training on how to use this new tool. A 1-pager on the MetroBoston DataCommon and the training guide can be found below.