SAVI Community Assessment Tool

Website by Sharon Kandris
March 2017

The Polis Center   (Indianapolis)
United Way of Central Indiana   (Indianapolis)

The Polis Center just made the community assessment process much simpler for central Indiana organizations with the easy-to-use SAVI Community Assessment & Planning Tool.

The tool takes users through a step-by-step process, helping them assess their community’s needs, identify its assets, and pinpoint gaps and opportunities. Data visualizations provide compelling evidence of trends and disparities in needs by race, age, gender, income, and education level, and users can drill into the data to get more precise information. The end result? A report that you can download in MS Word and tailor to your specific needs.

How does this differ from SAVI’s other tools? It draws in the same detailed data, but it saves users the hassle of having to mine thousands of data options and perform their own calculations to create custom charts and maps. This tool does it all for them, saving hours of data compilation.

The tool was created by The Polis Center at Indiana University-Purdue University in partnership with United Way of Central Indiana with guidance from a community advisory committee.