Floodlight Community Storytelling Training - Workshop Videos

Video by Daniel Brisson (University of Denver), Laura Frank (I-News), Open Media Foundation, The Piton Foundation
August 28, 2012

Shift Research Lab   (Denver*)

As part of the Floodlight community storytelling project, we’ve been holding a four-part series of workshops for non-profit organizations in Denver about telling powerful stories effectively. These workshops, run in partnership with I-News, the University of Denver, and the Open Media Foundation, have reached Piton’s and The Denver Foundation’s current grantees and other local grassroots change makers. We filmed these workshops and published them on YouTube so they can be resources for future Floodlight users.

The workshops take participants from the beginning to the end of the storytelling process:

Workshop 1: Find your story with one powerful question

In this session, participants learn what makes a good, answerable research question, and how to identify information and data sources that can help them answer it.

Workshop 2: Tell us your story

We all have valuable stories to tell. In this session, participants practice sharing five-minute oral stories.

Workshop 3: Refining your message

The hardest part about storytelling is making it concise enough to capture your audience’s attention. In this session, participants work on refining their stories into one- or two-sentence summaries. They also work on creating captivating titles and concrete calls to action.

Workshop 3: Using Floodlight to get your story out

In this culminating session, participants will take the materials they have been gathering since session one – videos, audio, text, and quantitative data – and combine them into a story they will publish on Floodlight.