New Annie E. Casey Foundation Grant to Support Two-Generation Services in Eastside Promise and Choice Neighborhood Initiatives

Community Information Now (CINow)   (San Antonio)

November 2012

The United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County has received a $150,000 grant over next 10 months from Annie E. Casey Foundation to implement a community-endorsed two-generation plan to provide programs for children that focus on healthy development, growth and education, as well as services for adults that concentrate on parenting, job skills and financial security.

San Antonio's Eastside Promise Neighborhood and Choice Neighborhood initiatives possess attributes that the Casey Foundation believes are key to successful neighborhood transformation, such as the presence of an established partnership of local organizations and public agencies; high-quality education, health and other support services for children; robust job training and financial education programs for adults; actively engaged parents and residents; and access to affordable housing to promote residential stability. CI:Now serves as the community data partner for both initiatives.

The Casey Foundation will collaborate over the next 10 months to design, pilot and plan for broader implementation of program and strategies. Once successfully completed, the Foundation will provide additional support, as well as $750,000 to $1 million annually, to implement and evaluate services over the next several years.

"This investment by the Annie E. Casey Foundation adds even more momentum to the community transformation we are going to see because of the East Side Promise Neighborhoods initiative"; Mayor Julian Castro said.

The Eastside Promise Neighborhood and the Choice Neighborhood initiative, led by United Way and the San Antonio Housing Authority, are already at work assisting the nearly 18,000 residents of San Antonio's Eastside.