Data Training for Cities in South King County

Teaches participants to use qualitative and quantitative data to tell compelling stories about their communities and engage key stakeholders

by Public Health– Seattle and King County

Target Skill Level: Beginner
Audience: Nonprofit staff, government staff

This training shows nonprofits in two to four hours how to create compelling stories about major themes in their neighborhoods using local data. This course shows participants how to find a data story, collect primary data to enhance it, and combine it with qualitative data for effective proposals and grant writing. This course also addresses multiple audiences relevant to participants’ work, including state legislatures, other nonprofit organizations, policymakers, and philanthropists.

This training has been conducted several times and adapted for multiple audiences. In one set, the agency reached out to nonprofit grant applicants who had not been chosen for an award to offer them data training so they could strengthen future proposals. The agency is offering similar trainings in spring 2017 for community-based organizations responding to a request for proposals for an early childhood services program, starting at the bidders’ conference and throughout the application process.

Creative Commons License

Course Categories: General Data Literacy, Local Data Website, National Data Source, Work-related Task