9 Key Findings About Wealth in 2022

Blog post by Luc Schuster, Peter Ciurczak
November 1, 2023

Boston Indicators   (Boston)

Newly released data from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) provide our first picture of wealth coming out of the pandemic. And it reveals some surprising, largely positive, trends. Unfortunately, though, huge wealth inequality remains.

The SCF is a large national survey conducted every three years by the Federal Reserve, gathering detailed information on the economic security of American families. We rely on this data for much of our research on racial wealth equity, but due to some data limitations, we unfortunately cannot analyze data at the state or local level—see our recent Racial Wealth Equity Chartbook: National Trends and the Challenge of Local Data for more detail.

In this brief we offer nine key findings from this new data. Stay tuned for more detailed analyses of this rich data in the near future.