
The list below includes information on upcoming webinars and presentations and audio from past webinars organized by the Urban Institute for NNIP partners, as well as webinars held by partner organizations.

February 16, 2017 - 1:00pm
Presenters: Maxwell Austensen, NYU Furman Center, John Cruz, Rise , Courtney Denton, CI:NOW, Jennifer Newcomer, Shift Research Lab
May 22, 2014 - 1:00pm
Presenters: Leah Hendey, Rob Pitingolo, Kathy Pettit, Bob Gradeck, Jeff Matson, Greg Sanders, Aaron Schill, Eleanor Tutt, Mingming Zhang

Check out our first Idea Showcase of 2015 and work your fellow NNIP partners are doing: 

Eleanor Tutt (St. Louis) and Bob Gradeck (Pittsburgh) will present on their idea to hold regular...

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Presenters: Bob Gradeck, University Center for Social Research, Eleanor Tutt, Rise, Jessica McInchak, Data Driven Detroit, Josh Wheeling, CamConnect