Poverty Center's NST Web App Deployed in Memphis to Combat Blight

(Inactive) Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering Research   (Memphis)
Center on Poverty and Community Development   (Cleveland)

January 2017

NST (Neighborhood Stabilization Technology) Web App, a pioneering property data management tool, was recently deployed in Memphis to help combat blight. The application provides housing and property information at the parcel level to community development agencies and government entities. The Center partnered with Innovate Memphis to implement this new NST.

Property information is crucial to any remediation strategy and NST provides updated, easily accessible information. NST was first used in Cleveland to combat foreclosure, enabling targeted door-knocking to property owners with bad loans. While other cities struggled to use federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program dollars wisely, in Cleveland NST was used to target that limited funding in data-driven ways, focusing efforts near neighborhood assets to maximize the impact.

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