Randy Sargent

Randy Sargent

Non-Partner Organization: 
Carnegie Mellon University CREATE Lab

Visualization Director

Randy Sargent is the Director of Visualization at Carnegie Mellon University's CREATE Lab. He helps develop together with experts both global and local, ways to interactively explore and understand trends in a diversity of large datasets and complex systems, creating narratives around climate change, economic inequality, housing, pollution, refugee flow, employment, demographic change, among others. Locally, Randy assists with the Visualization for Equity project, leveraging data analysis and visualization in collaboration with community organizations and advocates to to amplify voices and help communicate systemic inequities to policymakers, advocates, and the public. Randy is Co-Pi for CREATE Lab's efforts to support communities suffering health impacts from air pollution, collaborating to document and effectively communicate pollution exposures and their sources. Outside work, Randy co-founded and volunteers for an after-school program for youth in the South Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, and supports work to improve equitable access to housing, employment, and education. Previously, Randy helped develop the first global high-resolution satellite timelapse animation of Earth while visiting faculty with the Earth Engine team at Google, helped develop planetary rover software in the NASA Ames Research Center Intelligent Robotics Group, and founded/co-founded two successful technology companies. Randy received his BS and MS from MIT, where he was supported by LEGO to develop and field-test the first prototype of LEGO Mindstorms.