NNIP Policy on Local Organizations That Are Not NNIP Partners

Last Updated: February 15, 2018


National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) is a peer learning network for organizations that serve as local data intermediaries following the NNIP model. Most often in NNIP, one entity represents a city, but in several places are represented by a collaboration of multiple organizations. Generally in partner cities, organizations that are not formal NNIP partners do not have direct contact with the network. Regular NNIP partners’ meetings are invitation-only and include staff at partner organizations, network alumni, staff from selected potential partners, and representatives from national organizations and foundations. Our internal network online discussion list is also restricted to staff at partner organizations and network alumni. These practices help build community among peer organizations and result in more productive interactions among individual staff who have established trust, a shared mission, and a understanding of the fundamentals of NNIP.

We encourage partners to share lessons from the partner meetings and NNIP network interactions with other local organizations. For example, partners may report back after the NNIP partner meetings through blogs or local gatherings, and host periodic meetings where they can share other relevant updates from the network. NNIP partner organizations also often act as conduits to local experts and practice examples in their cities that could benefit the network.

General Guidelines

In response to increased interest in involving other local organizations that are not NNIP partners in network activities, the network is formalizing its guidelines for the involvement of these organizations, as listed below. Also, see the related policy on NNIP Associates.

  • Partner organizations may recognize other local organizations as collaborators in their partner profile description on the NNIP website if they so choose.
  • If there is a webinar with a topic of particular interest to other local organizations, partner staff may make a request to NNIPHQ staff to include them in the invitations. There is no defined limit on the number local organizations for webinar invitations, but NNIPHQ staff will balance the considerations of keeping the webinars productive to partners when considering such requests. Generally speaking, other local organizations will not be invited to NNIP Idea Showcases unless they are working with the NNIP partner on the project or idea that is being shared.
  • On occasion, an NNIP partner may wish to invite guests from other local organizations or their own board members to the semi-annual meetings for a variety of reasons - a new close collaborator in NNIP-related functions, a very-involved funder, or someone with particular expertise on a topic of current interest to share with the network. Partner organizations may request invitations from NNIPHQ for up to two individuals from other local organizations as guests to the meeting. These guests will pay the regular fee charged for potential partners and national guests. Partners are expected to give the invited guests some background on NNIP and the nature of the working partners’ meeting prior to their arrival.
  • Partner organizations may collaborate with other local organizations in applying for cross-site projects, as long as the partner organization also has a defined role. If relevant to ongoing community issues, it is ideal for record-level or aggregated data generated from the project to be retained by the NNIP partner organization after the project (data agreements permitting).


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